Who are the Friends of the Library (Friends)?
We are a group of concerned citizens who believe a quality library is essential to meeting the needs of our community. The library provides life-long learning opportunities, access to Internet resources, and materials for leisure viewing, reading, and listening for all ages.
Our goal is to assist the library in developing services and facilities for the whole community. We accomplish this goal by raising funds for needs which are beyond the library’s budget. We also provide volunteer staff to assist with library special events.
Although Friends is closely associated with the Library, we are an independent 501(c)3 non-profit organization. We do not operate the library or hire library staff.
What are some recent projects the Friends has funded for the library?
- Eclipse party
- Mini-golf fund raiser
- Matching funds for state technology grant
- Adult craft classes
- E-books
How does Friends raise money?
The primary fundraisers for the Friends are our four quarterly book sales and our ongoing Ramp book sale.
We have a scheduled book sale four times per year on the main floor, typically on a Saturday in March, June, September, and December. Books, magazines, DVDs, puzzles, etc., are available. Come search the various categories–mystery, fiction, history, cookbooks, and many others–and take home some treasures.
Our Ramp book sale is an ongoing sale located on the ramp between the Children’s Library downstairs and the main floor upstairs. A wide variety of fiction and non-fiction (adult and children’s), magazines, books on CD, and movies, are available at exceptionally low prices.
Can I donate my books?
Yes! Donations Are Always Welcome!
We love your donated material! We gladly accept donations of books, magazines, and DVDs. We just ask that the books not have mold/mildew or bugs and are not damaged or falling apart. We are also not able to accept textbooks or encyclopedias.
What are some benefits of being a member of Friends?
Members of Friends receive special benefits and opportunities such as:
- Saving 10% on all books purchased at book sales
- Encouraging reading in families
- Making a difference in Morristown and Hamblen County
How can I join Friends?
There are several membership levels available.
- $3.00 Student
- $10.00 Individual
- $25.00 Family
- $150.00 Individual Lifetime
- $250.00 Corporate
A form is available for download if you’d like to become a member: Friends membership
When do the Friends meet?
The Friends has a Board of Directors whose members are elected for three-year terms by the membership. The Board usually meets at 1:00 PM on the 2nd Wednesday of every even numbered month in the Hattie Butler Friends Room on the main floor of the library. However, we occasionally change the dates to accommodate holidays and other conflicts. You may call the library to confirm a meeting date. All members are welcome to attend.
Who are the Officers of Friends?
2024 – 2025
- President: Debbie Fulmer
- Vice-President: Nancy Burnett
- Secretary: April Mohr
- Treasurer: Jim Whitbeck
For more information on joining the Friends, please stop by the Morristown-Hamblen Library or call us at (423) 586-6410.